Posted on: February 6, 2019 | By: Carmen Monico | Filed under: Podcast

This episode offers a personal point of view about the challenges and successes of raising Black and Brown daughters while navigating educational and social systems, as well as media platforms.

Download Episode 12


Phyllis Portie-Ascott


Phyllis Portie-Ascott is a wife, mother of two children—one in Middle School and one in High School– in public schools in a rural county of North Carolina, a Residential Property Manager serving the Triangle and Triad areas and a community advocate. She received a Bachelor of Social Work from East Carolina University, a Master’s in Public Administration from North Carolina Central University, and she is a third year Divinity Student at Shaw University Divinity School who will be graduating in May.

While she has many accomplishments in her personal and professional life, she acknowledges that her most fulfilling and most challenging job is parenting her two children with her husband during a time when civility and respect for uniqueness/humanness are severely diminished in our present culture. She finds hope in her relationship with God which helps her to know that when difficult times and situations come, she is surrounded by an unmatchable, incredible power that is too great to be named.

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