McEwen Renovation Definitely Underway

As walls go up next door at Schar Hall and Steers Pavilion, the renovation project at McEwen Communications Building is heading in the opposite direction. The construction crew recently started removing walls, insulation, ceiling tiles and even trophy cases. Above is a look at the former dean’s suite, including Dean Paul Parsons’ old office on the right. Special thanks to the dean for providing these construction photos!

Work is also underway in the lobby, which is hardly recognizable. We are definitely looking forward to displaying our student and faculty awards again. You know our students just won a College Television Award Emmy this week, right?


Lastly, here’s look down the McEwen first-floor hallway toward the television studios.

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  1. By blog3006 on April 14, 2020 at 12:28 pm


    McEwen Renovation Definitely Underway

  2. By fresca renovation on July 3, 2022 at 10:20 am

    fresca renovation

    McEwen Renovation Definitely Underway