Monthly Archives: January 2016

Concrete Trucks Return

The university might be on “fake break” – the popular name for the week between Winter Term and the start of the spring semester – but construction continues at the site of Schar Hall. On the morning of Jan. 29, concrete trucks returned to pour cement for the ceiling of the second floor. Crews began preparing for the concrete trucks early that morning. … Continue Reading

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Up Close and Personal

To chronicle the progress of Dwight C. Schar Hall, a trio from the School of Communications toured the construction site on Jan. 28, 2016. Bryan Baker, coordinator of sound and video projects, and Vic Costello, associate professor of communications, filmed the construction while Tommy Kopetskie, communications manager, captured still photography. We can confirm two things: (1) the building is worth … Continue Reading

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View from Whitley

From the steps of Whitley Auditorium, passersby can see a glimpse into the future. While crews make visible progress on Dwight C. Schar Hall, Steers Pavilion – which will stand directly across from Whitley’s entrance – will soon begin to take shape as well. That’s if the snow stays away, so keep those fingers crossed! commexpansionMore Posts

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19 Degrees

Winter temperates have certainly arrived this week in Elon. But a little chilliness – it was 19 degrees at 8 a.m. today – has not stopped progress at Dwight C. Schar Hall. In fact, you can actually see a “window” into the future. Yes, the locations of the windows are now evident with the wall studs in place on the second floor. … Continue Reading

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View From Priestley

Want to know an afternoon guilty pleasure of ours? Grabbing a peek of the ever-changing Schar Hall. This afternoon crews continued work on the steel structure that will support Snow Family Grand Atrium. Thanks to Phi Psi Cli, the university’s yearbook, for letting us grab this shot from the organization’s office in the Priestley Building. And a tip of the … Continue Reading

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Old Meets New

With a vibrant sun in the background, Dwight C. Schar Hall and McEwen Communications Building were connected on Jan. 12 by steel for the Snow Family Grand Atrium. This well-timed and well-positioned photograph comes from Associate Professor Vic Costello. commexpansionMore Posts

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Atrium’s Frame

One of the benefits of working near Schar Hall is seeing the construction progress made throughout the day. On the morning of Jan. 11, Snow Family Grand Atrium was just a few holes and footers. By the end of the workday, steel was rising two stories into the air. commexpansionMore Posts

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Preparing for Snow Family Grand Atrium

The new year has brought new additions to the site of Dwight C. Schar Hall. Construction workers have started laying cinder block around the perimeter, installing wall studs on the second floor, and preparing the foundation/footers for the Snow Family Grand Atrium. The atrium, a two-story glass structure, will include a large video screen that will feature student productions and daily … Continue Reading

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New Year, New Floor

On the same day Winter Term 2016 began, construction crews poured concrete for the main floor of Dwight C. Schar Hall. We certainly don’t want to wish away the spring semester, but we’re quite excited for what this new building will bring to the School of Communications and Elon University beginning in August 2016. commexpansionMore Posts

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