McEwen Renovation Begins … Now

IMG_7192With the ongoing construction of Schar Hall and Steers Pavilion, it could be easy to overlook the significant changes planned this summer for McEwen Communications Building. Immediately after graduation, the entire building – including Studio A and B – will be vacated for an extensive renovation project. (Teardown of the studios actually began in late April.) The major remodeling effort will provide new offices for The Pendulum/Elon Local News, ESTV, WSOE Radio and the Phi Psi Cli yearbook, as well as an Internships/Career Services Center. Additionally, the studios will receive a complete overhaul.

As part of their renovation planning, members of the construction project and university facilities personnel toured the building on May 11, detailing the demolition process over the next few weeks.


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  1. By Interior & Exterior House Painting Services on July 11, 2022 at 2:17 am

    Interior & Exterior House Painting Services

    McEwen Renovation Begins … Now