Honda Power Equipment Visit

 HPE’s Mission

Honda Power Equipment’s mission is to create a user friendly, environmentally sustainable motor with upmost emphasis placed upon the quality of the product.  David, our tour guide today kept stressing just how high of quality the products that they make at the plant and how that sets them apart from other companies.  At one point he said that just in his neighborhood, 50% of them owned Honda lawnmowers and four of them had owned their Honda lawnmower for over 15 years. This shows how high quality of a product Honda produces each and every day.  Honda also stresses the importance of Respect to all individuals. Whether you are at the top of the business or on the production line, everyone wears white suits.  Overall, they try to maintain a global viewpoint, while still maintaining the highest quality product at a reasonable price.

HPE’s Customers

HPE has an absolutely incredible array of customers.  They sell to a multitude of people and organizations for that matter.  First and most obviously they sell to the consumers at Honda dealerships all across the country.  As their slogan says, “Helping People Get Things Done,” consumers know that Honda products are of upmost quality and can trust the machine to get the job done.  Second, Honda sells their lawnmowers and other products from Home Depots.  But HPE also sells their motors to other lawnmower companies. That’s right, HPE sells its products directly to their competitors which is very strange.  Again, it shows how coveted the Honda motors are.

What do Customers of HPE value?

As previously mentioned, the customers of HPE value the level of quality of the products.  A great number of other products on the market today come nowhere close to the level of Honda.  Knowing that they will have their product for the next decade or more makes them that much more willing to buy from Honda.  Also, as a Honda lawnmower owner myself, I can personally say that I value how easy it is to use the products.  From simple startup, maintenance and comfortable grip points, the products all seem to be extremely well thought out so that the customer doesn’t have to mess around at all.  It helps get the job done without worrying whether or not it may start up or not.

What are HPE’s results?

Honda as a whole has done exceptionally well in numerous markets including automobiles, airplanes and lawn supplies. Specifically to what we visited today, the Honda Power Equipment has also done very well.  Pumping out a massive amount of engines per day, 2,800 to be exact, the plant has been a backbone of the Honda Power Equipment’s efforts in North America.  In its existence, the plant itself has produced 18-20 million units. “20 million of anything is pretty remarkable” as David said.

What is HPE’s plan?

This question came up in the information session with David actually.  As with any company, they are always in search of new and more efficient ways of producing their products.  And Honda is the same way.  But beyond the efforts to make their product better and more efficient, they are also investing in a whole new type of product; robotic lawnmowers.  Currently in research and development right now, the new product would revolutionize the lawn mowing business for everyone.  Following their current business model and strategy I am sure that Honda will continue to grow well into the future.

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