Honda Power and Equipment

Today we visited Honda Power and Equipment in Swepsonville, NC. Honda’s mission is to produce the highest quality of prices at reasonable prices. Honda also has 2 main beliefs. The first one is to always have respect for individuals. While the second one is the three joys: buying, selling, and creating. The management policy of Honda is to proceed with ambition and youthfulness at all times. Honda’s customer is anybody that is in need of purchasing a lawnmower, snow thrower, string cutter, pressure washer, or generator. These are necessary products that are important in helping keep your home functioning. Honda also sells its engines to its competitors as strange as that may sound. Honda’s customers’ value the quality of their products. They are always of the highest quality and are designed to last. Our presenter David talked about how his neighbors have had Honda mowers that are about 15 years old and are still working. While before he switched to using Honda products he had to get a new one about every 3 years. Honda has experienced tremendous success in their business ventures so far. Honda excels at getting their products out quickly and efficiently. Honda has also never lain off an employee. Honda’s plan for the future is to continue with what they are doing now, but only to do it better. Honda also isn’t afraid to more factories or start producing a product in a new place if it will help make more money.

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