
I thought Honda was of the better places we have been to so far. It was very informational and more interactive, which I enjoyed. I also did not think it would be as complex as it was. There were a lot of things going on at once and it involves a lot of people for the business to run and to be run successfully. It goes all the way down to the people in assembly line to hold the business together because in order to make the product there has to be an extensive assembly line with several employees.

The mission of Honda (they called it their principle), is “maintaining a global viewpoint, we are dedicated to supplying products of the highest quality yet at a reasonable price for worldwide customer satisfaction.” They do stick by this because the cost of producing one of their engines is very close to the price that they sell it to their customers, which is right around $100. There may have been some bias involved, but Honda makes the best quality motors for the products that the engines are made for. David even said they supply their competitors with their motors, so they really are about quality and providing a reasonable price to their customers.

The customers for Honda are very diverse. They sell to a lot of different types of customers that need quality engines. For example they sell their engines and lawn mowers to Home Depot and Home Depot only in terms of lawn appliances. They also sell their engines to go-cart companies, ATV, planes, jets, motorcycles, etc. They have a very diverse, yet selective field of customers. They do try to broaden their horizons, but they also try to only provide to one company so that they have a good partnership and both their customers are making a profit off of their product, along with Honda making a solid profit.

The customers of Honda value the quality and reliability of the engines and motors that they make. Since Honda is supposed to be making the best engines as they advertise, they have to be the best quality and the customer satisfaction must always be kept in mind. As David pointed out, in Europe if there is every any customer dissatisfaction, or the product is defective they will go and try to fix it every single time. They will drive several hours to your house in order to make sure that the engine is fixed. This is exactly what customers of Honda value, their quality and assurance about their products.

The results of Honda are always focused on the exchange rate of their products. David stressed this, but he said it would not really pertain to us now. From what he told us, it seemed like it was the profit that they would make off their products in total. This is important for the company in order to maintain their worldwide status of making the upper echelon of motors and motorized products. The result of their work is customer satisfaction and a solid amount of revenue.

The plan going forward for Honda is to try to upgrade their products to make the more efficient and user-friendly for the customer. They also are trying to reduce the cost of production to increase their revenue. Their plan is to keep improving on what they are currently doing. This seems to be the same with all of the companies we have been to. They have a solid foundation and are obtaining success, but they are constantly thinking of innovative new ideas to improve and obtain even greater success.

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