Today we visited Center for Creative Leadership, a non-profit organization that specializes in training high-level executives to be effective leaders. CCL started in Greensboro NC (the facility we visited today) and has other facilities all around the world including Belgium, Russia, and Singapore. Each year, over 21,000 leaders from across the world engage with CCL to better their leadership skills and ultimately become a better asset for their companies.

Who is the customer?
The customer’s are workers across the world that generally hold a high position in their company and they’re looking to gain valuable leadership skills. 63% of the people who participate in CCL’s program are male, while the remaining 37% are female. 67% of the customer’s are coming from private businesses and just 19% visit from public organizations. The customer’s can also be seen as individual companies because many of these companies pay for their employees to visit CCL.

What does the customer value?
One thing CCL does extremely well for a non-profit organization is they build very attractive, friendly facilities that meet the customer’s every need. Because the people visiting CCL are typically towards the top of their respective companies, CCL makes a huge effort to impress their customers. The customer values the education they receive from CCL because they will learn many valuable things that can help their companies.

What are the results?
The results from CCL are impressive to say the least. CCL continues to be a leader in educating their customers each year. Leadership is so important that CCL should continue to be successful.

What is the plan?
The plan for the future is to keep excelling in this particular business field. One way CCL can do this is by continuing to build new facilities across the world where workers can visit and gain vital knowledge about leadership. This will allow CCL to continue their excellence and continue to produce successful leaders in the future.

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