Proximity Hotel

Today’s visit to Proximity was extremely interesting.  Before the visit, I came up with a question; how does Proximity Hotel market themselves to be perceived as  a better choice than other hotels in the area.  And, what I learned answered my question.  Instead of marketing how amazing their building was to the customers such as “We are energy efficient.  Hang up your towels when you’re done with them.” Rather, they focus on more of the customer experience.

With an upmost importance placed on the individual client experience, Proximity Hotel was able to achieve a very high level of leisure and comfort for its guests.  But, what makes them unique is their ability to solve the most important processes of a Hotel (Hot water, food, electricity and A/C) with environmentally friendly ways.  For example, they have an energy efficient roof that reflects sunlight instead of having a black roof that only gets hotter with sunlight.  Also, the solar panels heat the water for the building which increases the energy efficiency.

I was very impressed by their business model and strategy.  They provide a very pleasurable and leisure filled experience while finding environmentally friendly ways to solve the biggest problems of a hotel. It is this strategy that I think will prove most unique and in turn a great way to increase the number of guests well into the future.

Overall great experience today at Proximity Hotel! I keep learning more and more from each visit and am beginning to contrast the differing business models and styles.  Not every business is the same that’s for sure.

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