Framing Week 5- You are not a Gadget or are you?

Sep 27 2010

Framing Week 5- You are not a Gadget or are you?

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After reading Jaron Lanier’s “You are not a Gadget,” it is interesting to see how our society really is shaped by the technology we use but not just society but all of its individuals. We are all putting so much information into technology that we are losing ourselves as individuals and what makes us because as of right now it is technology that forms our reactions.

1. Lanier wants us to become individuals and not people that are to be shaped and framed by posts of others so my question is: Are there any possible processes, software systems or internet blogs that could help a user be an individual and not part of a whole or is becoming an individual impossible with the use of technology?

2. Lanier talks about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and he brings up many great points with the structure of the pyramid and I want to know how the hierarchy of need been altered based on the use of technology and the need for it? Have the everyday necessities been shifted based on our addictions and needs for the internet and the technology?

3.  Is this obsession with technology going to change the world of media journalism because there is such a need to have a “hand” in the media? Has journalism lost all credibility because everyone is considered a journalist?

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