Category: Jenna Wagner

Archive for the ‘Jenna Wagner’ Category

Nov 28 2010

Response Week 13

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1. Will augmented reality incorporate social media and networking in the near future?

I think that augmented reality is going to huge in the future. Can you imagine having a room in your house completely devoted to gaming? You are in a virtual world the entire time you are in the room. I think that social media is growing and will continue to grow in the future. It is only a matter of time before social media is incorporated into augmented reality. Your avatar in the game will contain all of your information. This allows for tremendous networking opportunities. However, I think it also poses privacy issues with the release of private information. I think that some people do not understand how important it is to be selective of what you put online.

However, on the networking side. If augmented and virtual reality catch on the way the the predictions say it will, wouldn’t it be cool to be able to network with your potential employer in a virtual world? I think that it would be amazing to network in a gaming world. I think it cuts the edge off of meeting potential employers and going through the everyday questions. This could be a very impactful opportunity.

2. What hardware and software are required to participate in augmented reality? How advanced will this technology become in the future?

I think that the future in augmented reality will contain some pretty advanced technology. As I brought up previously, I think that augmented reality will be played in entire rooms in people’s households. I can imagine it would be the ultimate gaming experience. This technology would be extremely technical. I’m sure that the “geek squad” would have to be involved in installing it. haha. I can imagine wall-to-wall televisions, even the floor and ceilings would be involved in the game. I think this would be an amazing opportunity for the gamers to interact with. And what a great interactive media piece!!!

3. What privacy and ethical concerns arise with augmented reality?

I think that if social media is incorporated into augmented reality in the future, more privacy and ethical issues will arise. Nowadays, people just aren’t concerned with what kind of information they put online. Could there be fears of stalking involved in augmented reality? I think that it could be a possibility in the future, and this is a scary thing. I think more and more people are becoming involved with augmented and virtual reality; therefore, more privacy concern arise.

Nov 21 2010

Framing Week 13

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1. Will augmented reality incorporate social media and networking in the near future?

2. What hardware and software are required to participate in augmented reality? How advanced will this technology become in the future?

3. What privacy and ethical concerns arise with augmented reality?

Nov 20 2010

Response Week 12

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1. Will virtual worlds become even more advanced in the future? Will they incorporate social networking and will we be able to create our own avatars that look like us and have all of our information?

I think that virtual worlds will progressively become more advanced as our technology becomes more advanced. It is just a matter of time before social networking plays a big role in virtual worlds. In the future, I can see virtual worlds becoming so advanced, that it is like being in the real world. My fear is that people will take it that way. They will get so wrapped up in the virtual worlds that they forget to live their real lives. Could this lead to social problems and complications?

2. Could virtual worlds be a new way of advertising for companies with product placement? (i.e. Second Life)

I think that in the future advertising will take new ventures to promote their products. For example, social networking (i.e. Facebook) is already allowing companies to advertise in the side bars of the webpage. It is only a matter of time before the virtual worlds included advertising as well. For example, Coca-Cola could place coke cans throughout the virtual world as product placement. Of course the users are going to see the Coke can and that is further advertising for them.

3. Could there be privacy concerns, along with ethical concerns, with virtual worlds?

I am fearful that privacy is going to be a major issue in the future of Internet usage and gaming. I am already afraid to put any information about myself of social networking sites or the Internet in general. Virtual worlds will just be another place for the chance of identity theft, etc. I am also fearful that bullying could be a major concern with virtual worlds. Many issues could arise; however, I hope there are moderators that can help keep these incidences to a minimum.

Nov 15 2010

Framing Week 12

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1. Will virtual worlds become even more advanced in the future? Will they incorporate social networking and will we be able to create our own avatars that look like us and have all of our information?

2. Could virtual worlds be a new way of advertising for companies with product placement? (i.e. Second Life)

3. Could there be privacy concerns, along with ethical concerns, with virtual worlds?

Nov 11 2010

Response Week 11

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1. Will educational video games be the future of our children’s education? I feel like this could be a real possibly in the future with the way the technology in our culture is heading.

I think that computers are the future of everything. Our culture will adapt, just like it has with everything else. According to the video we watched yesterday in class, some schools have already bought computers for every child. I am sure in the far ahead future, there won’t be anymore books used in the educational setting, it will only be computers. I am not sure how I feel about the full shift to computers. I appreciate books and what they do for our intellect. I don’t think that reading something on the computer is as effective as having a hard copy book/paper in your hands.

2. What will be the next step within the gaming industry? I think I underestimate what video games are capable of in the future because they are so advanced right now.

I don’t really play video games very much. However, what I do play is extremely advanced. The Wii technology boggles me, and now the XBOX 360 has come out with Kinect, which also confuses me. I just don’t understand how that type of technology works. It definitely shows promise for the future and what is to come. I think virtual reality is just around the corner. The graphics on video games have become so crisp and life-like. I just can’t image what the video games in the future will look like. I am sure that it will amaze us all. Professor Lackaff mentioned in class that the video gaming industry is huge and a great industry to be in because of its growth. I am sure that it will continue to grow and be profitable in the future.

3. How much does gaming hurt kids’ minds and personality? Does gaming have a negative affect on how kids interact with people and culture?

I feel that too much video gaming can hurt a child’s health and social interaction. I think that if a child plays video games too much, they can get wrapped up in the game and not want to do anything else. This does have a negative impact on their interaction with people and culture. I feel that this dilemma can only get worse with the advances in technology.

Nov 08 2010

Framing Week 11

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Well I guess we’re on week 11, not week 10.

1. Will educational video games be the future of our children’s education? I feel like this could be a real possibly in the future with the way the technology in our culture is heading.

2. What will be the next step within the gaming industry? I think I underestimate what video games are capable of in the future because they are so advanced right now.

3. How much does gaming hurt kids’ minds and personality? Does gaming have a negative affect on how kids interact with people and culture?

Nov 04 2010

Response Week 9

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1. Does putting your cell phone number on Facebook help improve your chances of getting a job? Or does it lead to privacy invasion?

I do not think that putting your cell phone number on Facebook will help you to get a job. I guess it would depend on what field you were looking for a job in. Being in interactive media, I think that recruiters would find it strange if an interactive media person put their number on Facebook, since we should know better than to put private information on a social media site. I also do not think that recruiters check Facebook for personal information like phone numbers, email, etc. I, personally, think that putting my cell phone number on Facebook is a privacy concern. Even though my profile is set to private, I am always afraid that people can view my private information.

2. Will Facebook soon have the web catting feature like gmail and skype have? Will this allow for more privacy invasion and stalking?

I think that it is only a matter of time before Facebook has the web chatting feature. This is scary to me, considering that the majority of computers today are built with web cams. I think that this will further develop privacy issues within the social media realm, especially when it comes to children. I think that a lot of children do not understand the idea of privacy and how much information they should and should not put on the web. Having a webcam accessible to them is a scary thought.

3. Will WikiLeaks eventually result in the release of consumers’ private information?

Wikileaks is an interesting and intriguing site. I think that their purpose is to better the public good and not to damage the public with the spreading of their information. Wikileaks’ goal is to do things that will help culture as a whole and punish those who are damaging our culture and the people in it.

Nov 02 2010

Framing Week 9

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1. Does putting your cell phone number on Facebook help imrpove your chances of getting a job? Or does it lead to privacy invasion?

2. Will Facebook soon have the web catting feature like gmail and skype have? Will this allow for more privacy invasion and stalking?

3. Will WikiLeaks eventually result in the release of consumers’ private information?

Oct 28 2010

Response Week 8

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1. Does citizen journalism make Americans numb to hard facts? Do we question the validity of the news more than we used to?

After the reading, I do not think that citizen journalism makes Americans numb to hard facts. Citizen journalism has become a way for information and facts to get to the user even more quickly than before. Citizen journalists can post a story/video from the event they are at immediately. We constantly are craving information quicker as technology advances. I do not think that we question the validity of the news more than we used to. Blogging has certainly opened a door for more opinion pieces; however, I do not think that blogging is not based on facts.

2. What role will social media and new media play in upcoming elections? Will a “people’s president” be elected because of the ease of access to them?

I think that social media, new media, and interactivity will play a major role in upcoming elections. The candidate who is the most approachable and available to the user will more than likely be the person who wins. Americans are craving to have a great leader in office. Americans want to feel close to their president, I think. Social media will allow part of this closeness to happen.

3. Is this new wave of social change going to impact how decisions are made in the media in the future?

I think that the new media wave will definitely have an impact on how decisions are made within media in the future. I think that decisions on content as well as how to present the content will develop as technology advances.

The media and our culture are changing, growing, and adapting. Some people do not like change; however, I think that it is good for our progression. Eventually everyone will catch on to the new media wave.

Oct 25 2010

Framing Week 8

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1. Does citizen journalism make American numb to hard facts? Do we question the validity of the news more than we used to?

2. What role will social media and new media play in upcoming elections? Will a “people’s president” be elected because of the ease of access to them?

3. Is this new wave of social change going to impact how decisions are made in the media in the future?