Secure it: Avoid scammers who try to trick you into giving up personal information

Posted on: October 17, 2019 | By: Tarah Holland | Filed under: Data & Identity, Info Security, Online Safety Tips

If you went “phishing” at the Office of Information Security’s College Coffee table on Tuesday, you had the chance to test your knowledge of phishing and other cybersecurity related dangers. For National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) and day-to-day online safety, take some time to learn about just how far scammers are willing to go to obtain your personal identifiable information and other sensitive data through text messages and email. Here are some tips to help you stay safe online.

Infographic explaining ways to protect yourself from cybersecurity threats and it includes the NCSAM logo

Secure IT – It’s Up to You!

Friend or Foe?: Phishers want to get their hooks into you as fast as possible. If someone is too eager to be friends and to offer you a great opportunity, you could be smelling something phishy.

Phishing text content example: Hey I spoke to Lisa yesterday and she said I should contact you directly. send me a friend request so i can transfer you that money now

Too Good to Be True: Phishers want you to make mistakes, and they’ll offer you amazing deals or quick money to get you to make that careless choice. Ask yourself: is this too good to be true?

Phishing email content example: CONGRATS!! You won the lottery. Please go here to claim

Slow and Steady: If someone is pressing you to do something right now, slow down the interaction. Ask more questions and consult people you trust. If you can’t confirm that it’s legitimate, pass it on for a second opinion.

Phish Fight: Play hard to get! Don’t download anything you suspect might be dangerous, and don’t send a questionable contact the information they ask for.


Tarah Holland

Tarah Holland is a Digital Content Strategist at Elon University.

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