Recent Identity Theft Impacts 3.3 Million U.S. College Students

Posted on: April 22, 2010 | By: Elite | Filed under: Info Security

On March 21st, 3.3 million college students became victims of identity theft. 96,000 of those affected were from North Carolina. The company ECMC, who is contracted by the U.S. government to provide management services for federal student loans, reported that the stolen data included: social security numbers, birth dates, names and addresses. While the man responsible for the robbery has since been caught, this situation serves as an important reminder that while we may not be able to prevent identity theft in all cases, we can reduce its impact by being aware of the resources available. Read the following articles to learn more about this particular case, as well as what steps to take if you are affected by identity theft: ECMCOnGuard Online


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