Company accused of firing over facebook post

Posted on: November 9, 2010 | By: Kelly Reimer | Filed under: Tech Tips

“In what labor officials and lawyers view as a ground-breaking case involving workers and social media, the National Labor Relations Board has accused a company of illegally firing an employee after she criticized her supervisor on her Facebook page. This is the first case in which the labor board has stepped in to argue that workers’ criticisms of their bosses or companies on a social networking site are generally a protected activity and that employers would be violating the law by punishing workers for such statements.” Read more of this article by Steven Greenhouse from The New York Times. What do you think? Feel free to leave a comment and voice your opinion.

Kelly Reimer

Kelly Reimer serves as an Assistant Director of Teaching and Learning Technologies (TLT). In her role, she specializes in client relations which involves the management of the day-to-day operations and walk-in services offered by TLT. These services include equipment circulation, facilities management, project intake, and just-in-time technology support for faculty, staff, and students.

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4 responses to “Company accused of firing over facebook post”

  1. smoothunit says:

    Almost one year since this article who would have known this now happens on a daily basis…

  2. matrixs says:

    Hi, Elon Tech Buzz great blog i absolutely agree with the company getting in trouble. How could they punish a person for something her or she has done on their own free time. Very informative thanks again Elon Tech Buzz.


  3. Matrixs says:

    Hi, Kelly This blog is very informative and eye opening. I think a person has their right to privacy when it comes to out of work doings. So I think the right thing happen to the company.


  4. Quite interesting, thanks for sharing