Title Sequences

The kinetic typography assignment being my first true battle with After Effects, I have a new respect for every detail in a title sequence, commercial, interview, etc. It truly is like a puzzle that you have to arrange, pull apart and tweak just to make the pieces fit and achieve your overall aesthetic goal.


I think the first title sequences that truly made me think prior to this assignment was Dexter. It is so mesmerizing you almost can’t look away no matter how many times you’ve seen it. As tired as you are of seeing that fly, the egg, or the cutting of the meat…you just have to watch! The same with Six Feet Under and Seven. There is something so alluring, aesthetically captivating and suspenseful about these title sequences. They set the tone for the entire movie and subtly engage the viewer before the film or series even begins.


Watching Kook Ewo speak about his work and process was very interesting to me. I really enjoy how he acknowledges that the style of the movie comes before his own artistic style, however, his style is still present in each sequence he creates. He compares the sequence to different musical notes that are incorporated into a larger piece. I thought that was an appropriate comparison. The way he uses aesthetic element, tone and music and incorporates those components into his own design truly shows in his work.


Not only this project, but re-evaluating it here on this blog has given me a greater appreciation for the details, the small parts that further a work of art even more. I watched Cabin in the Woods on Saturday and immediately caught on when the movie began to relate back to the title sequence with the blood dripping through the cave painting like figures. I’m officially becoming a nerd.

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