This class has taught me to look at things in a different way; not just art but some of the things in our day-to-day life that we may take for granted.  I never really thought about all of the various fonts available; it’s not something that I have been passionate about. But, I now know that there are people who are passionate about it.  Because to them it’s not just a font but it conveys meaning that speaks to the overall message that a design is trying to impress.  I have learned that there is power in typeface.  A font can be sinister and dark or cold and ridged.  I will never look at Helvetica the same again.

I’ve learned that you can present information (data, numbers, charts, etc.) in a way that can be a work of art within itself.  Your infograph can attract or it can deter, all because of the way in which it’s designed.  If it’s overly attractive the message can be lost in the beauty of the design.

I’m by no means a designer, but I have a greater appreciation for what they do.  How will this class impact my career?  Now knowing what I know, it will cause me to look at things from the vantage point of a designer. There is beauty in the little things and I should not be afraid to think outside of the box and allow my creative juices to flow throughout my designs, whatever they may be.

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