Farewell Visual Aesthetics, But Not Goodbye

In Visual Aesthetics I’ve been able to understand what my strengths and weaknesses are and how I can make improvements in my work.  I’ve realized I do my best work when working on a design that’s based on something I’m passionate about.  For example, I am passionate about shooting and editing videos and The Beatles.  My strongest projects this semester were the PSA, typography and alarm clock app.  I was finally able to shoot and edit video for the PSA, which I had been looking forward to doing all semester and wish we had been able to do more video assignments, and I feel like what was produced did not disappoint.  I struggled to come up with an idea for what I wanted to dof or the alarm clock app.  Once I decided it would be easier to come up with a theme it was much easier to design because I chose something that I knew a lot about and really enjoyed, The Beatles.  Going forward, when I have a job I need to be able to use that same passion for every project that I’m assigned.  I don’t want this blog to come out sounding the wrong way, I spent a lot of time and worked hard on each project, I just think some were more successful than others.

This was my most successful page from our final project.

It is also important to understand how to design something in a way that will allow it to function properly once it gets to the interactive phase.  The alarm clock app is a perfect example because we had to understand how to do both.  I had to figure out a way to implement Beatles designs as a way to navigate throughout the app.  I stuck with a constant theme of using silhouetted images of The Beatles that when tapped, take you back to the home screen.  If I could do this project over I would have started earlier on the design and left more time for functionality.  With the calendar page I would have liked to have shown how to add an event instead of just explaining the idea to the class during my presentation.

Going back to the beginning of this blog post, I want to spend my career creating content for a company/team/product that I am passionate about.  If for some reason I get a job working for someone else I’m going to have to use the same passion to create successful designs and content.

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