iPhone interface design

iPhone interface design

iPhone interface design

Design is like a living organism. It is always evolving and growing over time.  Designers had to first to be able to design print publications but now in the 21st century, designers are just not designing for print publications anymore but for multiple platforms. Over the years, designers have shifted there focus on website design, and now knowing how to design application for cell phones is most important.

With technology growing everyday, the capabilities that designers have on the phone has grown. The iPhone is a perfect example of this. With its new elegant design, the iPhone allows designers to display more graphics because of its high resolution. It does this by increasing the information resolution of the screen by the hardware (higher resolution screens) and by screen design (elimination screen hogging computer administrative debris, and distributing information adjacent is space).

It seems that most important aspect of design for the iPhone is simplicity. Since the screen is so small, your design cannot be cluttered and overloaded with information. In the video, iPhone interface design, the narrator stated, “clutter and overload are not an attribute of information, but are failures of design”.

When designing for the iPhone you have to remember that space is limited. Just like blogging, your text on iPhone has to short, concise, and to the point. In addition, your layout on the iPhone has to be exact. You do not have space to waste. Your icons have to clearly direct your users to the appropriate content. Consistency and familiarity is important as well. Using icons that other applications use like the link to button, print button, tweet button, and camera button should look like similar to other buttons used throughout the iPhone. Designers have to learn the principles of app designing because application design is quickly becoming as important as web design.


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