Pica Towers

Pica Towers

Pica Towers

Maybe I missed the purpose. There has to be a previous film describing what in the world is going on. I watched the three short films in order, out of order, forwards and backwards and still do not really make sense to me.

I love the graphics in the short films. All the characters have a sort of human element to them but still look cartoony. I really like the environment that the characters are in. It is dark, gloomy, and scary. It reminds me of the films Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Saw, and Strangers combined.

Maybe the short films would of worked with some voices but maybe they would not of. I did not see any film techniques that wowed me. The two strongest things from these short films are the character and environment designs. They both work in the context they are placed in. Add a better storyline and you will have sometime here but for now I am left confused and wanting answers.


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