Glen Raven

Today we visited Glen Raven where they have a strong passion for great quality product that has made them an elite company. Glen Raven is a bred of its own, where it has been owed and managed through four generations of the Grant family who originally founded the company. Now over the next four years the company will be transitioning to have it’s first none family member running the company. Glen Raven started as a company that manufactured football jerseys for the NFL and then made an overnight decision to phaseout all that and move into a whole new production of material. They now make product for automotive, filtration, mining, geosynthetics, logistics, military, protective, and outdoor. Glen Raven has solidified themselves and a company that knows exactly what they have to do to produce the best product on the market.

The mission of Glen Raven is enhancing life for global customers with the world’s most innovative fabric-based, market-driven solutions. This is easily seen by the way that have mastered their craft and  truly care about every small detail and imperfections. They follow the motto of “Let Endless Possibilities Begin” and through this they have been able to innovate new products and better existing ones so that they can give the customer s product that is absolutely the best it can be.

There are many different customers of Glen Raven, this is due to the fact that they offer so many different products. Some of the big names that do business with Glen Raven is the Military, Navy, etc. and produce the fabrics for their backpacks and the camo covers for the vehicles that render them invisible to radar that picks up heat. They also produce fabric for sailboat sails along with many other products for miners and water filtration companies.

The customer values a highly respectable company to provide them with the best quality and designed product, which is exactly what Glen Raven does. This is so important, because for example if Glen Raven does not make the perfect product for the Navy or Military all of those men and women could all be endanger and could lose their lives.

The results of Glen Raven are a high quality product for all those that they sell to. They did not just get to where they are without any work though, they take the time to inspect every roll of fabric and material to make sure there is not even one tiny imperfection in the roll.

Glen Raven has a precise plan that they carry out and that leads to their success. They have engaged associates, embrace change, are dedicated to profitable growth, they strive to please their customers in every aspect, honorable stewardship, and finally confident shareholders which are a major key to a successful operation. Glen Raven clearly has it all going on and that has led to them being a leader in their industry.

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