

Alamance County. Aid recipient.
Caring for Sick Parents
I was enrolled at GTCC [Guilford Technical College]. I was living in a family home with my parents taking care of them. My father got really bad. He started having seizures, which they thought were strokes. Well, things started going south at that point Continue reading

Posted in Aid Recipients, Domestic Violence, Education, Health & Disability, Housing, One bad choice, One Bad Turn of Events, Place: Alamance County, Single Parenting, Truth 4: People want to work, Truth 6: Alcohol and drug abuse | Comments Off on Christine

Jeremy Toler

“The Undeserving Poor,” by Kristina Cooke, David Rohde, and Ryan McNeill. The Atlantic. Dec. 20, 2012. After serving in the army reserves and graduating from Ball State University with an associate’s degree, Toler got a job processing claims in a child-care program … Continue reading

Posted in Aid Recipients, Around the U.S., Education, Making ends meet, Truth 4: People want to work | Comments Off on Jeremy Toler