Domestic Violence


Alamance County. Aid recipient.
Illness and Domestic Violence
I wasn’t able to work. With me, what was going on, I wasn’t able to work, with my health and transportation and other things set me back. And I had a personal… I was living with someone. I had a bad relationship problem too, and I lost everything I had. Continue reading

Posted in Aid Recipients, Domestic Violence, Faith/Religion, Health & Disability, Housing, Place: Alamance County, Transportation | Comments Off on Lilly


Alamance County. Aid recipient.
Caring for Sick Parents
I was enrolled at GTCC [Guilford Technical College]. I was living in a family home with my parents taking care of them. My father got really bad. He started having seizures, which they thought were strokes. Well, things started going south at that point Continue reading

Posted in Aid Recipients, Domestic Violence, Education, Health & Disability, Housing, One bad choice, One Bad Turn of Events, Place: Alamance County, Single Parenting, Truth 4: People want to work, Truth 6: Alcohol and drug abuse | Comments Off on Christine

Shaun Case

“The Undeserving Poor,” by Kristina Cooke, David Rohde, and Ryan McNeill. The Atlantic. Dec. 20, 2012. The 34-year-old Indiana native has learning disabilities and endured a childhood of abuse. Relatives say he was thrown through a plate-glass widow by his grandmother … Continue reading

Posted in Aid Recipients, Around the U.S., Domestic Violence, Health & Disability, Making ends meet, Transportation, Truth 2: Poverty is the problem, Truth 4: People want to work | Comments Off on Shaun Case


Alamance County, NC. Restaurant worker. Resident at Allied Churches homeless shelter. White, female, age 49.
Domestic Violence
I don’t want to be on welfare. It’s my goal to cut out the food stamps and to pay my own way. I never really chose to be, I don’t guess anybody does, but I don’t, I’m ready to do my own thing. I want to have a job, I want to get a car, and I want to get a home that’s mine… Continue reading

Posted in Domestic Violence, Place: Alamance County, Stories, Truth 4: People want to work | 15 Comments