Posts Tagged: metajournalism

Posts Tagged ‘metajournalism’

Oct 24 2010

Framing Questions for Politics

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Week 9: Politics

Social news, citizen journalism and democracy
– Luke Goode

1. What is metajournalism and how does it play a role in our society?  Does metajournalism or citizen journalism have more positive potential in our world today?

2. Will we see a time when citizen journalism replaces professional journalism entirely?

3. Are metajournalism and citizen journalism extensions of active audience engagement or a rupture in the previously settled producer-consumer dichotomy?

Interactivity and Branding, public political communication as a marketing tool
– Darren G. Lilleker and Nigel Jackson

1. After seeing the impact of social and online marketing during the 2008 presidential election, is is safe to say that future candidates will have no shot at winning without embracing digital branding?

2. When it comes to public scrutiny of political figures running for office, have we lost sight in today’s digital world of  what the politician actually stands for compared to candidates from historic times when media exposure was much more limited (mainly print)?  Has digital exposure of candidates done more harm than good or vice versa?

Shadow Governments: An Icelandic Experiment in Participatory Governance and Social Change
– Derek Lackaff and Gunnar Grimsson

1. Why have people turned to public actors of today to be the leaders of tomorrow?  Is this fair and a smart move overall?