Posts Tagged: combat

Posts Tagged ‘combat’

Nov 06 2010

Framing Questions for Interactive Entertainment

Published by

Payne reading

1.  So many of today’s video games create realistic war scenarios in family living rooms through a gaming console.  Would video games be as popular as they are if they encouraged less violent conduct?

2.  Should the military keep it’s advanced technology to themselves?  Does society need to experience realistic war combat in the same form that the military trains with?

3.  The more realistic the video game, the more believable and entertaining the experience for younger generations of gamers.  Are warfare video games “unhealthy” and destroying our future leaders if wars are portrayed as “realistic fun”?

4. The gaming industry is now more prosperous than the film industry.  What is it about gaming that has more people hooked?  Is a video game version of “Netflix” (Gameflix??) a possibility for the future?