Posts Tagged: blogging

Posts Tagged ‘blogging’

Oct 22 2010

Response Week 7

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1. What kind of effects do interactive media, social media, and new media have on traditional media, specifically? If the traditional media incorporated new media, would their online sales/ad revenue increase?

After the reading, I think that new media will have a tremendous impact on the way that traditional media accomplishes its goals. There is a huge shift taking place in the media world. Traditional media is going to have to come on board, or they are going to seize to exist. I think that traditional media will start to incorporate more interactive elements into the way they present their content and information. I think that more interactive elements would definitely help the traditional media’s ad revenue to increase. More people would want to read the content. In the future, however, I don’t think that traditional media will exist though. The shift will be so great, the traditional media will dissolve.

2. Could the increase in media produced by the public increase online advertising sales? Would more people be willing to click these advertisements if the content was produced by the public?

I think this new media has lead to a change in the way people perceive content and also the content they want to receive. As blogging has come into existence, more and more people value what other people have to say. I think opinions are playing a key role in the content we are receiving. This is also a scary thought. I don’t want all of the information to be some else’s opinion. I would prefer my children’s children to know the facts as well, not just what someone’s opinion was.

I don’t think that the change in content would increase advertising sales on the Internet, though. With the way the economy is, I think people are just not willing to spend the extra money. I also feel that a lot of people are scared of online ads. I know I am extremely hesitant to click on an online ad.

3. How much will the reportorial aspect of media change? For example, with blogging, will it transform into a more reportorial trend? (i.e. bloggers becoming more like reporters than commentators?

Blogging is growing more and more as the years progress on. Bloggers are becoming a valued part of the news world. I think that in the future, bloggers will start reporting the news the way they see it, including the facts. I can even see news stations hiring bloggers to report on daily events. This would be a huge shift in the media/news world. It would put the news in the viewers’ hands and allow us to get information even more quickly than we already do.

I am excited for the shift that is occurring within media. Change and progression is always good, I think.