Response Week 11

Nov 11 2010

Response Week 11

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1. Will educational video games be the future of our children’s education? I feel like this could be a real possibly in the future with the way the technology in our culture is heading.

I think that computers are the future of everything. Our culture will adapt, just like it has with everything else. According to the video we watched yesterday in class, some schools have already bought computers for every child. I am sure in the far ahead future, there won’t be anymore books used in the educational setting, it will only be computers. I am not sure how I feel about the full shift to computers. I appreciate books and what they do for our intellect. I don’t think that reading something on the computer is as effective as having a hard copy book/paper in your hands.

2. What will be the next step within the gaming industry? I think I underestimate what video games are capable of in the future because they are so advanced right now.

I don’t really play video games very much. However, what I do play is extremely advanced. The Wii technology boggles me, and now the XBOX 360 has come out with Kinect, which also confuses me. I just don’t understand how that type of technology works. It definitely shows promise for the future and what is to come. I think virtual reality is just around the corner. The graphics on video games have become so crisp and life-like. I just can’t image what the video games in the future will look like. I am sure that it will amaze us all. Professor Lackaff mentioned in class that the video gaming industry is huge and a great industry to be in because of its growth. I am sure that it will continue to grow and be profitable in the future.

3. How much does gaming hurt kids’ minds and personality? Does gaming have a negative affect on how kids interact with people and culture?

I feel that too much video gaming can hurt a child’s health and social interaction. I think that if a child plays video games too much, they can get wrapped up in the game and not want to do anything else. This does have a negative impact on their interaction with people and culture. I feel that this dilemma can only get worse with the advances in technology.

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