Week 11 Framing Questions

Nov 07 2010

Week 11 Framing Questions

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  1. The article on the video game industry states that in 2008, the industry took in 11.7 billion dollars.  What portion of that money comes from sales, and what portion comes from advertisements?  Is it like the broadcast/print model where most comes from ads and only a tiny portion comes from product sales?
  2. The way Bogost describes the hypothesis of Schell, it sounds like what parents do to get their children to behave, or what how you train a puppy.  If you do this good thing, you will be rewarded with a treat.  This concerns me that adults could be dumbed down and treated like children or puppies in order to do good things?  How exactly does Schell see this game-like award system working in real life?  Is this really a good thing?
  3. A few of the articles discuss video games and the military.  What are the effects of having military-simulation video games on a society?

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