Blog Week 10

Nov 03 2010

Blog Week 10

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Persistence was one of the four points discussed in the first article about social networks. It discussed how persistence is the effect social networks have on users because of the amount of time the information can stick around on the internet. Something a user posts when they are 18 will still be somewhere on the internet when they are 32. I actually found my Xanga the other day. Yes, that Xanga, the blog site that was popular when I was a freshman in high school.

Looking back over it I have some decent posts. But, I also have a post in which I propose a show called “Straight Eye for the Straight Guy.” It ends with one guy saying, “as long as you have the roofie it doesn’t matter what you look like.” Yikes. Luckily, it’s really hard to find my old Xanga page in Google Search. If a potential employer did find this information, it could have a potential effect on how they view me as an employer. Granted I posted it when I was 20, but it is still out there.

It is my belief that persistence is not all evil, just partially. After I remembered I had a Xanga I spent about thirty minutes sifting through and seeing what I wrote as a high schooler. Boy was I whiny. It was mostly about heartbreak and sports and other things that weren’t thoughtful at all. The interesting progression came at college, when I started to write things that were fairly wordy and had a point. I even found some poetry I wrote that I had completely forgotten about. Persistence may be bad, but there is a certain nostalgia to it as well. I may not be able to see the tripod website I made about magicians when I was nine, but by-golly I can still see my rant about school dress codes.

I wonder if this is how I’ll think of my Facebook when it’s not popular anymore. Yeah, like that’ll happen.

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