Week 9: Framing

Oct 24 2010

Week 9: Framing

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1. Goode mentions that citizen journalism, though mostly taking place on the internet, can include broadcast news using eyewitness footage from cell phones. But is the person who coincidentally took footage of an event that became news a citizen journalist or just a source? Is citizen journalism a conscious choice, or can one be a citizen journalist by accident? If providing the local news station with pictures is considered citizen journalism, then there have been citizen journalists for as long as there have been professional journalists.

2. I question the ‘metajournalism’  of rating, commenting, tagging and re-posting of stories as a form of journalism as well. Is that being a citizen journalist or is that just being an active citizen, using new technologies to spread news like how word-of-mouth works?

3. Obama as a brand worked. The logo, the website, everything about his campaign was synchronized and consistent, and Obama simply sold himself better than McCain. Have all politicians learned from this demonstration? Are politicians branding themselves better since the 2008 election?


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