Week 8 Framing Questions

Oct 19 2010

Week 8 Framing Questions

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1. Based on studies in the article, most people do not have a loyalty to a specific news site and will browse multiple sites for specific content.  How can news organizations embrace this information and cater to the specific needs of the customers they are looking to attract?

2. The article states that ad consumption is very low, with most people either ‘never’ or ‘almost never’ clicking on an online advertisement.  But, it does seem there are specific people (ones who check at least 6 different websites a day) who are more likely to click on an online advertisement.  With that information how can advertisers find the sites these people are most likely to visit and advertise their information there?

3. While new and old media have still not combined in the world of journalism, how are professional journalists supposed to find a way to compete with citizen journalists who will document the same information for free?

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