Journalism | Framing

Oct 19 2010

Journalism | Framing

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1) How much has citizen journalism changed the writing style of news organizations? I don’t remember ever seeing very much relaxed writing, humor, and, especially, sarcasm reading from a hard copy newspaper. But I’ve seen it in dozens of places online (even from reputable news sources like NPR). I like it. It makes reading the news more interesting. But does that change the way we interpret the information?

2) What are some of the more creative sustainable models that online sources have adopted? What, specifically, makes those models fail?

3) How will organizations make their news reporting so desirable that people will be willing to overlook the pay wall for the information? How do these pay walls vary by organization size and structure?

4) How will the pay-a-you-go plan ever work for smaller news organizations with tiny budgets? So if people don’t read the paper one month, are they going to lay off a couple editors? It seems like this is only an option for larger organizations with deep pockets.

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