What to do

Oct 17 2010

What to do

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According to State of the Media.org, there is much strife in the realm of journalism. Deciding where journalism is going and how to pay for it are constant questions. Here are some of my own to add to that list.

A current solution to the revenue question is to have advertisers pay for ad space, but many readers ignore ads which reduces the value of that ad space. What are some other potential revenue sources to explore? Advertising just seems to be the easy default and there is only so much ad space that those companies need.

My next question is about the affects the bottom line has had on the journalism institution. Yes there has been a major loss of profits over the years, but where would the profits have been if news had been focusing on relaying the news rather than making a larger profit? Perhaps the news industry is viewed not so differently than the music industry in that people are willing to support journalists, but not the corporations that employ them.

The report also touches on community news sites in relation to major news outlets. What potential collaborations could be made between the two outlets to helps support journalism in general?

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