Week 6 Framing

Oct 04 2010

Week 6 Framing

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  • There are no over 100 million blogs and many of these blogs rank fairly high in internet traffic.  There are plenty of blogs that are terrible out there but the good ones rise to the top.  Because of its entirely democratic nature and built in editing, is the Wiki the internet institution that will bring RW culture to the same level of respect as traditional media?  You don’t like the slant a news article takes on a wiki, you have the opportunity to add another section to the wiki.  With a traditional newspaper, you could write in to the letters to the editor but your ideas would be viewed as those from a crazy, fringe person.
  • The long tail principle states that as the cost of adding inventory goes down, the range of inventory can go up.  Is there a point at which this principle becomes no longer true?  Is it really that profitable to keep this extra 1% of product that very few people want?
  • How does free open-source software actually work?  I know that some people do it for truly altruistic reasons and never want to make any money off it but I also know that some companies do make money off of it and do quite well for themselves.  What makes this a way that people can actually make money?

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