Framing Blog (Week 5)

Sep 27 2010

Framing Blog (Week 5)

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1. In his book, Lanier discusses trolling (p. 60), which refers to an anonymous person that is abusive in an online environment. My question surrounding the phenomenon of trolling is, what is it about the internet that gives us a feeling of safety and anonymity? Why is the common thought to not worry about what we post or say? Is it because we feel there are no consequences?

2. Is technology really taking us toward a world of “telegigging,” ” songles,” and “formal financial expression?” With telegigging, holographic projectors that immerse you inside the action seems almost like a pipe dream. Do we really have the want or need for something like that? And, going back to the previous question, how would they be effected by trolls?

3. Is Lanier suggesting toward the end of the book that the internet has become a deterrence from using a large vocabulary? He talks about the bouba, kiki, Juliet, sun metaphor, and how we would have to choose those words much more carefully, but what is the point he is making? Does he think our vocabulary has become minimal already?

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