Week 5 Framing: Amateurs

Sep 26 2010

Week 5 Framing: Amateurs

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  1. Participatory culture has and continues to play a huge role in implementing interactive media and further developing it to what it is today. It challenges corporate companies across the world. Like Jenkins, I would agree that participatory culture is definitely running ahead of technological developments in the corporate (credible) world. How have we directly (or indirectly) seen this?
  2. In Friday’s lecture CEO of IQ, Tony Quin, stated that a 19-year-old ran there social media platforms. This reminds me of amateurization at it’s best- when individuals without specific degrees take control of what was once a platform that specific people with degrees or much experience held. In five years, when these amateurs are even more experienced, how will amateurization affect corporate companies? How will we be able to separate professional and non-professional production? Or will this even be an issue?
  3. In general, I believe we see credibility slowly diminishing. We see people reading blogs via computers and smart-phones almost or just as much as we see people utilizing “credible” popular news websites such as CNN.com. At least with blogs, you know there is a biased standpoint opposed to having to decide whether a professional news article is biased or not. It seems that there is a underlying idea that maybe people are becoming more consumed with reading diverse opinions and thoughts rather than news articles. How does Lanier support this theory?

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