Framing Questions: Wealth of Networks

Sep 20 2010

Framing Questions: Wealth of Networks

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The Wealth of Networks

1. Enhanced Autonomy: Has the growth of mass media use led to the depletion of “close-knit” or “strong”affiliation relationships? Is it a negative concept to have “loose” affiliation relationships in the work place?

2. In chapter 3, there is a discussion on relevance and accreditation in/of content produced on websites or in this case a search engine and my question is: should companies be allowed to filter peer review comments and posts that discuss the credibility of their product or is it considered media censorship?

3. In chapter 10, the author says “the internet allows for a radically more diverse suite of communications models then any of the 20th century systems permitted,” and my questions is: could most of business/corporate operate solely on internet communication/ interaction therefore increasing the number of home offices or will society always need office space for a certain type of social interaction the internet cannot provide?

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