This Week in Tweets: August 17, 2012
In case you missed it, here’s what @elontechnology and @elonteaching have been tweeting this week. If you aren’t using using Twitter yet, learn how to get started.
- Elon Teaching and Learning Technologies staff participate in the 9th annual Teaching and Learning Conference.
- We had a great conference yesterday. Conference attendees: What was your biggest take-away? #ElonTLC
- Watch Ashley Finley’s plenary session “How to hit a moving target: assessing engaged learning”
- Using an iPad? RT @brasst: 29 iPad Resources, Tutorials, and Guides Every Teacher Should Know about via @medkh9
- RT @sameneman: What’s a Teacher to Do? via @michelledmoore#highered
- RT @tomwhitby: The Best Posts On The “Flipped Classroom” Idea #Edchat
- RT @DPUTC: Watch Eric Mazur, a physics professor at Harvard, explain how (and why) he ditched lecturing.