Broadcast Designers

I watched 3 videos from Rick Morris, Harry Marks and Troika Design Group. They all dealt with design but each had their own creative ways about going about them. I really enjoyed Harry Marks. I looked at him as the “old school” of the graphic deign for the broadcasting game. When he showed some of his work I thought it was amazing of how much of his content that I actually know. From ABC logo,s to NBC to the Six Million Dollar Man. Looking at his work now in 2012 it made me just sit and think about how much work and effort people had put into old television shows. Its really easy to look in the present and think that people are discovering and coming up with new things now, but in actuality there is nothing new under the Sun.

I also enjoyed The Troika Design Group. We often hear about works that individual people have done, but Teamwork makes the dream work. It was great just hearing how these creative group of people have come together and made great work with each other. I like how they give a tour and explain who is where and who does what. It also makes people look very normal and not crazy looking who sometimes I can imagine the people that create such great work. Again I was also shocked and surprised when I saw the body of work that was produced. I was very familiar with a lot of their content and really enjoyed it. Its interesting seeing things that pop up screen for only a small amount of time require so much work and planing. Every second counts and every thing seen on a screen is not there by accident but requires a large amount of time and effort by people.

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