How Limbo of You…

I had some funky deja vu watching these shorts.

Before I get into that, let me just say that this was disturbing as all hell to watch. There were plenty of horror elements seeping through the cracks here. Namely, I’m talking about the audio.

Sure, the visuals were quite stylish and had some cool personality to them, but it was the audio that freaked me out. The echoing of footsteps and how everything sounded “wet” gave me this feeling like I was both alone and trapped. Someone, or something (which is the beauty of it because it’s possible that the “shooter” at the end wasn’t the killer from the beginning) roamed these halls, and every little sound made me paranoid. It’s what you don’t see and what you hear that make a great horror film.

I also liked the idea that these three films encompassed a certain timeframe, yet they all felt individual in their own right. It was like watching a tv show that had different main characters for ever episode while a main story went along. It was pretty damn neat.


Now, back to my deja vu. These sounds and visuals reminded me of a game (go figure).


Go watch the link. It’s only a minute long, but man, the first time I saw it, it freaked me out, just like these short stories. The game came out two years ago, but I love to go back to it every now and then and spend an afternoon playing it (it’s not a terribly long game to beat). It oozes atmosphere, regardless if you fully understand what’s going on (just like the films).
I think that’s the best part of these little flicks: we may not fully comprehend what the hell is happening, but we’re intrigued enough to keep watching. It’s the hook to keep us in our seats and glued to the screen.

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