
What I most appreciate about this class is the knowledge it allows me to use to discuss design and art.  One of BIGGEST pet peeves is when people discuss topcis that they know NOTHING about, or, even worse, when they only use evidence that they heard from a Fox News Correspondent.  Blech.  I can now say I am not one of those people when I discuss art.

What I appreciate more is the evidence and experience this class gives me for my future career.  I can now argue or discuss design choices even if I am not the designer because I now know what does not works and WHY.

I even like designing now.  I don’t think I will pursue a design career, nor do I think I am very good to do so, but I can dable here and there and produce decent work.

I felt the class went under appreciated by a lot of people, and that was mostly due to group work.  I felt a lot of the work was dumped on those in the group that were good designers and the rest of the group did the minimum of work.  And the fact that many of our assignments had to be functional made a lot of people dismiss the design aspect of our projects and make up for it with functionality.

My favorite group work was with Emily and Ty.  We completed all of the shooting together, we made the decisions for the commercial together, we sat down and edited all the footage together, we chose the music and shots together.  That’s how the project should be done.  The only other way to do so would be to assign roles, but I felt that many people chose easier jobs and neglected their work and others had to make up for it.

I digress.  I think I would like the class better if there were more individual projects.  Just because I feel its hard to design a project with so many opinions.

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