iPhone Interface

Ok, so, here’s the thing.

Let’s remember that looking at information on the iPhone is still us using a phone to find information.  And as such, would you rather look at your information on a huge iPad interface and make phone calls with that thing attatched to your ear, or using the sleek and small design of the iPhone.  99% of you should say small and sleek.

Every user should know that going into using their iPhone (if they own one) to look up information on the web or an information application that the information will be short, it will be condensed, and that it was made to be functional for a phone!  If you really need to see an interactive interface that let’s you compare two things at once why in the hell would you be using your phone?  Go to a library and login to a free computer!

There isn’t an argument as to why the iPhone interface has flaws for information scrolling because its main function isn’t for finding information.  It’s a contraption meant for your mother to call you every other week to make sure you are still alive.  Then Steve Jobs was in a giving mood and threw in some Angry Birds and the Facebook application. Woo!

I feel we are soon going to remove the phone application from the phone because it is the least used function on smart phones these days.  Between texting and email conversations, why take the time to have a nice conversation on the phone anymore (we can’t sit down and have face-to-face conversations anymore).

Basically, our society has lost sight to reality these days.  Nothing is good enough anymore, everything needs to be bigger, better, faster, what have you.  We have no appreciation for anything anymore, we don’t value our history and what has been done for us, and we just sit by and nag nag nag, just like what I am doing now! What am I 80?  I’m still cooler than you because I can appreciate what I have and what I do.  I’m proud of the fact that I don’t have to walk around with my phone in my back pocket constantly, and I appreciate everything my phone does, especially making calls to my mother back in Chicago.

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