Rick Morris Documentary

This was one of my favorite blog post assignments of the semester. I was in the midst of developing my ideas for the motion typography assignment and the Rick Morris documentary made me feel better that I was struggling so darn much! Below are the top 10 things I learned from Rick as I was watching:

  1. Love that he says make spec designs and get them out there as soon as possible. “Buy a domain name, make a splash page and post it.”
  2. Use transitions as much as possible.
  3. You want a grand finale that pays off and makes you look good and an out-tro.
  5. “Be persistent, but not too persistent. There’s a fine art to not being a pain in the ass.”
  6. When motion showed up on the scene, it was so liberating. People who had those ideas in their mind could finally put them on a timeline with keyframes.
  7. He’s a hunter and a pecker when he types…I kind of judged him…oops.
  8. “I’ve never said no to a dare, which is the reason I’ve gotten into these conferences and speaking sessions. If you say no once, you may never be asked again, so I tend not to pass up opportunities.”
  9. “Type is as expressive to me as any other shape or object.”
  10. “A lyrical line flow is like developing a lyrical rhyme flow.”
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