iPhone Failure

I am thankful that iPhone gave us a better screen resolution. I am thankful that the iPhone has given us a higher pixel density. I am glad that the iPhone has made the web be compatible with mobile. I am glad that the iPhone gave us the idea for apps and how touch interfaces should be the future.

What I think is the stupidest thing that the iPhone did was as elegant as the interface is and how simplistic it is, it has sacrificed functionality. With only one button, screen real estate is substantially more costly because the screen must also accomodate a button or icon for settings and to go back a level. Forcing that functionality on the app designer limits what the designer can do because no he or she has to worry about saving room on the screen to allow the user to better navigate the app. It pigeonholes the designers into worrying about reducing other important elements to make room for things like a button for settings on the screen.

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