The Title Sequence

Every film introduces itself with a title sequence, so its clear that the title sequence should be representative of the film and also unique.  The opening credits are the first thing that the viewer sees, it is their first impression of the film.  A title sequence that gives the viewer a feel for a movie, or draws the viewer in and sets a tone for an entire film in a unique way in my mind is successful.

The opening credits for the shining gave the movie an ominous tone, even if the viewer did not know what the movie was about the title sequence gives a distinct feeling of something dark.  It is  foreshadowing without words or actions from the characters.  As the camera follows the car through the mountains it subtlety allows the viewer to see how isolated this place is, there is no escape.  It also leads the viewer to assume that there is a reason for following the same VW on its journey through the wilderness.  The viewer gets a lot of information from this particular title sequence, and there is nothing that is said, it is just landscape views and music.

The sequence for ‘The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe’ was strikingly unique, there were no effects (at least it seemed that way).  The cards tricks made me want to keep watching because I wanted to see what was going to come next.  The music was somewhat playful which made me think the movie might be funny or at least somewhat cheeky.

The opening for ‘Che?’ is from 1972, I would have never guessed that, it cam off to me as a modern and clean.  I did not expect it to come out of the 70s.  The music sets a positive tone, and the classic nature of the music and type made me think that the setting would be sometime in the past.

One sequence that stood out to me was the opening of ‘Magic Trip’.  It was unique in that it introduced every character along with their nickname.  It was a great change of pace from the normal writer, director etc. credits.  The style of the shots integrated with the art that was overlaid on the characters as they were introduces was great.

The title sequence can set the tone for an entire movie. It is a great tie to give the viewer an impression of the film through abstraction and art.  The great thing about title sequences is that anything goes, and the possibilities for creativity within those few minutes are limitless, and it is a portion of any film that can be manipulated and experimented in any way.

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