Cute Robots Juxtaposed With Frightening Content

The immediate feeling I got from the audio in ‘hound of flesh’ was that something unpleasant was about to occur.  The echoes of something going on far away made me uneasy about what was going to happen to the blind robot feeling his way through the hallways.  The robot dog was however very adorable and it made me hold out hope for something less horrifying than I had originally thought, alas dead robots.  On a side note I was unaware that robots could be blind.

The audio throughout the entire series lends to the atmosphere the film makers were trying to create, presumably frightening and suspenseful.  The first time watching these I was not exactly sure what was going on because there was no real background for the story.   In the second film especially when the robot is hanging upside down the music comes in with an intensely creepy nature and that led me to believe that it was not a normal day to day thing for these little guys to hang upside down torture style.

The black and white animation through the films gave me a dismal unhappy feel, which seemed to be what they were going for. However the little characters are cute (to me) so throughout each film I kept hoping for an upside to what I was seeing, and then they shot the pizza bot.  That scene had me scratching my head, because the shooter was scolded by the ‘lady bot’ and it made me wonder who all these characters were and what the hierarchy was, and mostly why they shot the poor pizza bot.

The scenario my mind created based on the visuals and the audio was a dismal barren future of some sort.  The strange ashes falling from the sky in the third film reinforced my feeling of a post apocalyptic world.  I could not help but construct a premise in my mind about these films, and I am not sure if that is what was intended, I would have liked to see some more background on the story just so that I could better understand what was happening. The most frustrating part about this series was that I had no idea what the premise was or why all of these events were happening, but t the intention may be to keep the audience guessing.

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