Hillman Curtis Post

In the Hillman Curtis short films he is able to convey big themes in a very short amount of time. Many of the topics were deep and evoked many different motions (even though some of these topics seemed over my head). Some of the films needed to be watched a few times in attempt to try and understand them. The timing of watching these short films works well with the PSAs we will be creating soon. These films show you how much of a story can be created in such a small period of time.

In many of the short films I felt a part of the scene just as if I was peering into a variety of peoples lives. These were moments of insecurity, openness, and being scared. There were no introductions to who people were (you just felt like you already knew). The camera angles and variety of shots also made me feel a part of them. They felt raw (just as life can be).

When shooting my own film I think that I will be able to take away some of the things Hillman Curtis did in his films. I will be paying more attention to angles, colors, actor selections, clothing, and everything else that goes into shooting.  Looking at short films was enjoyable and rarely something I do which is refreshing.

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