1 second & 34 years…

Paula Scher is pretty dynamic.  She’s confident and assertive.  She is brazen and bold in her craft.  Her words move quickly and her demeanor is proud.  She insinuates that her choices are unapologetic and plants her feet in her experiences.  It’s great to see that, amidst a severe lack of women featured in the artist series, Scher’s inclusion was at least chosen.

As someone who has been very interested in the arts, her development of the Public Theatre’s typographic identity, or “language” as she often calls it, is fascinating.  I have always found the Public Theatre’s graphics to be exciting and innovative.  However, it was never the images used that were eye catching, it was how text would be manipulated and placed that made the posters or graphics worth viewing.  Her work is engaging and her process is insightful.

While I don’t think I agree with the idea of having one or two ideas before deeming something undoable, I do believe that she knows herself and her process enough to make that conclusion.  So I have no problem with such a statement.  She does have 34 years of knowing to back her up.  I don’t have that yet so I won’t take on a similar productivity mantra to my work.

The most impressive thing about Scher is her confidence in her craft.  Regardless of whether or not she knew she would be the only woman featured in this particular series is unknown.  However, she speaks and moves as if she knew she would and wanted to make sure audiences understand that she is capable and assured in what she does.  It’s almost inspirational.  I look forward to having my “1 second & 34 years” moment too.

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