Stich Bitch

Well… what is there to say about Shelley Jackson’s “Stitch Bitch?” Jackson writes about her love for a non-linear story that the internet and hypertext allow and mimics this concept in her prose. Jackson’s article was enlightening, but difficult to follow.

Though I believe her points were accurate and interesting and often her descriptions were poetic and beautiful, her organization made the article hard to follow. The beauty of a hypertext, non-linear story  is that we self navigate through it. As the user, or the consumer of the story, we click through at our own pace, interest, and desires. Jackson writes of her love for her confusing style of writing, but I think she fails to see that writing or films that are non-linear still force you to consume them in a linear path. Interactive media is still the only medium that allows for a true non-linear story.

All in all, Jackson made some goods points while using some beautiful metaphors. However, I did have a few problems with her article.

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