
Gah — what the heck do I write about Stitch Bitch? Holy cow…I’m just all sorts of confused and feeling quite dumb seeing that my classmates have posted some pretty heady blog entries on this reading. I was having trouble reading the scanned PDF version (wow…I’m getting old), so I found it online in HTML. I’m not sure if this writing was originally intended for print or web, but this Shelley chick really pushed my buttons (and I’m assuming that was her intention) with her writing style.

Long paragraphs that made me go cross-eyed. Run-on sentences that made my blood pressure rise. I get that she was trying to make a point about online writing, and deliberate design, but it was the verbal equivalent of nails on a chalk board! Give me short sentences and make a new paragraph when you’ve finished a thought. Write bullet points, and for pete’s sake how many commas could this woman cram into a sentence? If I could prescribe Stitch Bitch a medication it’d be Adderall, because its focus is all over the place!

I’m hoping I’ll have an ‘aha’ moment when we discuss this in class tomorrow, but that reading just rubbed me the wrong way (it’s a curse to be type A).

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