Poetic Stream

What may appear to be a stream of consciousness to some may be poetry to others, I think Shelley is a poet.  Too often we prefer to be spoon fed, even the things that are supposed to stimulate and revive, we’d prefer they be in a nice, complete and convenient package.  Shelley forces you to dig for your contentment, unless of course you’re a fan of poetry, you’re already satisfied.

“In hypertext, you can’t find out what’s important so you have to pay attention to everything, which is exhausting like being in a foreign country; you are not native.”  What may seem like a ambiguous rant to some, well is just that but with intention and direction.

Shelley purposefully guides the reader through her poetic and passionate article about the emergence of hypertext and the role it should play and could play in the readers’ daily lives.  She equates the emergence a new non-linear writing style to that of the experience of the mind and body.  Platform to voice.  We’ve always had a mind to dictate the body and a body to do but what happens when the body dictates the mind?  In new media, we’ve always had a platform for expression but what happens when expression becomes the platform?  A canvas of creation and collaboration to extend the right hand to welcome a new breed of energy.

Her goal is to see just that.  What happens when we just begin to create? Although we haven’t seen the fruition of what Shelley, or should I call her Shane, began to theorize; we are seeing the makings of theories, derived from just that, poetic streams.

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